shirt: downeast, skirt: made by me!, shoes: gap, necklace: f21, watch: target

Here's another super simple outfit for ya. A guess a v-neck t and a skirt is hard to beat in the heat of summer. Is anyone else as ready for fall as me? I miss my cardigans. (and scarves, and boots, and tights), but it's just around the corner! The trees at the tops of the mountains here are already changing colors a little and I couldn't be more excited!
If you're wondering who joined me for these photos, it's my dog Kodi. Suz and I got him for our 12th birthday. He still looks like my puppy to me, but he's getting up there in doggy years. 84 I think?
If you're wondering who joined me for these photos, it's my dog Kodi. Suz and I got him for our 12th birthday. He still looks like my puppy to me, but he's getting up there in doggy years. 84 I think?
Cute outfit! I love the simplicity of it and I love your watch! Wish we had target